
Applicable methodoly risks

New services for corporate clients

In the conditions of financial crisis there are vast number of offers for sales of new power plants based on RES. In these conditions a great attention should be paid of the realistic and independent assessment of reliability of the preliminary studies, which are the key factor for the efficiency of specific projects.

Based on our the experience in setting up new power plants using RES and assessments of the energy potential, Pro EkoEnergia Ltd developed systematic approach for assessment of engineering risks within setting of financing RES projects.

The approach includes the following content for analysis of the proposals for development of power plants.

I. General information
1. Preferential prices for energy from RES in Bulgaria;
2. European directives and expected influence over the Bulgarian energy in the field of the RES projects.

II. Technologic information for the RES projects and identification of the risks

1. Energy characteristics of specific projects and survey of the methodology for their determination;
2. Relevance between energy characteristics and chosen energy technologies. Reliability of energy supplies for end users;
3. Correct following of the phases of setting up energy projects according to Bulgarian regulations;
4. Identification and range of the risk on different stages;
5. Characteristics of the business plan and cash flows in RES projects.

III. Determination of correlation engineering – project risk
1. Degree of sensitiveness of the economic efficiency for projects;
2. Assessment of the prognosis for terms of return of investments in the project.

The service is offered jointly with training from the team of contracting authority.